Miyu Tominaga (Miyu Tominaga), the daughter of a certain company, has been single-mindedly devoted to her childhood friend Daisuke Matsubara (Daisuke Matsubara). Wanting to be as close to him as possible, wanting to hear his voice even just a little, he tries to call or go see him, but Daisuke has a curt attitude, saying, “I like chasing him, but I don’t like being chased.” One day, Miyu hears that Daisuke is working at the company of another childhood friend, Kaoru (Kaoru). Miyu tries hard to get the shocked Daisuke to recognize her, but one day, an irritated Daisuke forcibly steals her lips and hurts her heart…!! A heart-thumping pure love that continues ☆ A spin-off of the popular “Secretary” series is now available!
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