The future dream of Shota, a boy who attends a prestigious private school and has an excellent brain, is to become a delinquent. Although he aims to become the strongest delinquent in his hometown, Soushi, who played with him when he was a child, he is a self-proclaimed yankee who has been too well-bred to commit any serious crimes. Summer vacation. I decided to work part-time at my mother’s acquaintance’s pub. ? ! ? Divorced, childless, widowed, he became the manager of an izakaya around 40 years old. ! “You’re cool, aren’t you? Hug me like you did at that time.”In order to remind him of the bad days when men and women ate and messed up, he tried to capture it with his own body, but he said, “Kaki.” Can’t you get your dick in there too?” In front of the ♂ ready for battle, Shota is still stiff and nervous…? ? Sexual desire is on the rise (?) Former Yan Araforoji x Innocent elite Yankee college student’s touch-and-go gachinko romantic comedy! ! ! !