Shugo, a young yakuza who works as a debt collector in a certain city in the Kanto region. Along with Tamotsu and Shin, who grew up together in an orphanage, he had ambitions to rise up in the organization. The three who were betrayed by their parents only believe in themselves in the same circumstances. For the three of them, other humans are enemies or prey. Even though he was an acquaintance, he was mercilessly punishing Shinogi… One day, Shugo and his friends headed to collect from an old acquaintance of a small transportation company. The president’s son is a former classmate and an asshole just like them. I heard rumors that he ran away from home and became a member of another organization. Parents and children were not strangers, but if they borrowed money, they were just dupes. With a severe collection, the president and his wife were squeezed–. It was supposed to be the usual collection work, but the president and his wife, who were frightened by Shugo’s pursuit, set fire to their house and committed suicide. Knowing the fact, his son, Yakuza Saki, was enraged. Using his friends, he decides to take revenge on the three of them… “I’ll make a homo rape me and kill me in a mess.”