Rika Haneda, who lives with her husband after an arranged marriage, is an ordinary housewife. One day, she witnesses her husband’s suspicious behavior, and when she uses a detective to investigate, the existence of a woman other than herself is discovered. According to a report from a detective, the two had a heart-to-heart relationship even before marrying Rika. Hurt, Rika goes out to town with her best friend Reiko for a change of pace and runs into Reiko’s male friend Ran. Knowing that he is depressed, Ran invites him to his store. The place I went to was the host club. Rika felt the joy of being a woman that she had forgotten about after experiencing her first experience, the world she had never seen, and the kind Ran. Trapped, Rika is taken to an auction site where she sells her body. A man appears who offers 10 million yen with just one glance at Rika…!? Cheating husband, betrayal of best friend, conspiracy of younger host, body being bought. What is Rika’s fate!?