Twenty-year-old Tatsumi, a baby-faced girl who can only be seen by minors, has been living at her older cousin Chiaki’s house for a month. Chiaki, who is handsome and has a good physique, is popular with women, but he is gay. Tatsumi, who tends to be teased by Chiaki, has a problem–he sleeps in the same room as Chiaki and has accumulated a lot. It seems that Chiaki finds out that I sometimes hide and pee… I couldn’t sleep in frustration and went to the living room to find Chiaki drunk and sleeping. When Tatsumi wakes him up, he is touched and kissed by the sleepy Chiaki, who even sucks his dick in his mouth. The next day, when Tatsumi sees Chiaki being courted by a woman, he feels confused. Straight Tatsumi and gay Chiaki, whereabouts of each other’s feelings…