random and flirtatious college student, “Narukawa Kento” (Narukawa Kento), is constantly scolded by his serious upperclassman “Hidaka Shun” (Hidaka Shun). On that day as well, Kento, who had angered Shun with unnecessary words and was wandering around the town feeling heartbroken, happened to pass by a cat cafe and was attracted by the words “special service”, so he entered the cafe in search of healing. Surprisingly, there is a figure of Shun working with cat ears! Kento was treated coldly, but requested “special service” because he was a customer. “Oh… what’s wrong? You’re making a nice face. Me too…” “!! You idiot, you’re…” Taketo’s intentions of revenge gradually escalate. Later, when Kento visits the restaurant again to apologize, he sees Shun giving other customers a “special service”…!?