One night, Yuki Hayase, a popular model who loves animals, picks up a black cat and decides to let her stay overnight. After going to bed, he wakes up feeling the presence of the tail of his beloved cat, Straw, who has just died, and next to him is a boy with furry ears and a tail! Black cat? When Yuki asks, “It’s not a black cat, it’s Cerberus!” Cerberus, who has three heads, came to the human world in pursuit of the deceased who had escaped from the Underworld, but one of the heads, the second son, let the deceased escape, separated from them, took their power, and fled, so he could not return to the Underworld. It says. The boy in front of me now is the eldest son, and he has a third son in his body. Yuki will be living with Cerberus’ first and third sons for a while!?