Seigo Mamiya (Seigo Mamiya), a boy with glasses who attends an all-boys boarding school, has been in love with his childhood friend Rio Takanashi (Sirio Takanashi) for six years. Moreover, Rio, who is cute like a girl, is very popular with students (in many ways), and Seigo has mixed feelings. One day, there is a rumor that Rio will let you fuck the student who ranked first at the end of the term as a reward. Seigo, an honor student, rushes into Rio’s room in a rage with jealousy. “I came here to get the prize for 1st place. Let me fuck you, Sensei.” Rio tells Seigo something, but… “Do you know what’s going on with you right now? Your finger is in there, you know what?” “Nah!” Ichaero’s first experience story ☆
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