Yuriko, who has been married to her husband Kunihiko Takamizawa for two years, is living a comfortable life in a mansion with the help of her father-in-law. However, Kunihiko dies in an accident without having children. Yuriko, who doesn’t have a successor to the Takamizawa family, is forced to choose between being kicked out of the house or conceiving her father-in-law’s child… Even though Yuriko is threatened, her father-in-law also collapses from a cerebral infarction when she is absorbed in intense seeding sex with her father-in-law. Then, the sister-in-law and her husband, who had been told to be dead, also appeared… What will happen to Yuriko, who is caught in the wedge of lust swirling in the Takamizawa family? A lewd bitch training life that attacks a sad widow begins!!!