Miyako Fujiso, where problem children live, is managed by a beautiful young man named “Shunsuke Miyakofuji” (Totou Shunsuke). Meets “Ya” (Terashima Kyoya). In fact, Kyouya looks exactly like the late Shuichiro’s father, whom Shunsuke had a crush on. On the way back, Shunsuke happens to meet Kyouya again. With the momentum of the sake, he hugged her and confessed, “Just once… Hold me for the last time!” While still in a daze, she believes that Kyouya is Shuichiro’s father and has sex with him violently. “Did you remember what happened yesterday?” Later, Kyouya, who suddenly turned into a sadistic Shunsuke, embraced Shunsuke as a sober this time.
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